Web 2.0 Tools for Audio Editing – How Audacious!
After reading over the dozens of Web 2.0 tools in this
week’s assigned text and lecture, I honed in right away on Audacity. Here’s why…
My most rewarding experience as a teacher using technology involved digital
audio editing. I was the technical
director for the theatre program at the high school where I taught. My job, among other things, involved
editing sound effects and music for theatre productions. I managed to finagle
access to a iMac for my classroom, and the thing about the iMac that really
tripped my trigger was the suite of software known collectively as iLife. And in particular, two software
programs within iLife: iMovie and GarageBand.

GarageBand was a multi-tracking audio recorder that resides
in your computer. In addition to allowing you to layer sound upon sound, it
also had musical instrument loops that you could cut and paste and manipulate
to create original music. As a musician and sound production guy, I preferred
to capture real audio with a microphone and layer it on, like I did with my old
2-track reel-to-reel tape deck.
But my students had other plans.
They all wanted to be Tupac Shakur.
Soon, I had students coming to me on lunch break and during my planning
period…whenever they could find me…to get access to GarageBand and create their
hip-hop beats and to record their def rhymes over the top of it all. Most of
them were not even students I had in class, and quite a few of them were
at-risk students who had never found anything at school that interested
But they were interested in
this, so I gave up a lot of my prep time working with them.
Which brings us back to Audacity.
Audacity is a computer-resident multi-tracking audio program that is
very similar to programs like Cakewalk, ProTools, and GarageBand. Unlike those,
however, Audacity is free.
And if
you are working with poor kids in a poor school district, free is important.
But free isn’t much help if it doesn’t do the job, so I decided to run Audacity
through it’s paces.
Anyone familiar with other audio editing software will feel at home with
It lets you create
multiple stereo or mono tracks upon which to record.
The visual bars of recorded material can be stretched and
smooshed around to suit you. Sound clips can be recorded via built-in
microphones on the computer (most laptops have them) or with microphones that
plug into input jacks on the computer.
Sound from vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs and online MP3s can be
imported to an Audacity project as well. The original iMacs required another
device, an analog-to-digital converter, to do this.
Another impressive feature of Audacity is that it accepts
all sorts of different digital formats (MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.) and will also
output your project in many different formats.
So, you can burn a CD of your work to play in another
computer, or you can download it to your personal data device (cell phone,
iPod) or you can make CDs that will play on a CD player.
You can even export your project in a
working format so other collaborators could add their bit of genius to the
Imagine making an original
song and sending it as an email attachment to a classroom in Western Africa,
where another class could add rhythm tracks or background vocals!

Some of the whistles and bells are powerful and
sophisticated. You can change the tempo of a track (or a whole project) without
changing the pitch. That means if you want to make an up-tempo vocal out of a
slow one, it doesn’t have to sound like the Chipmunks.
Likewise, you could slow down a soprano
diva’s track and not turn her into a baritone.
Audacity also has looping capabilities, so you can take a
short piece of sound and have it play over and over again. There are mixing
board-type effects, so you can adjust volume, EQ, and reverb, as well as bass
boost, wah-wah, and the all important noise reduction filter. Experimentation
is encouraged because there is always the “back” feature that lets you return
to a previous version. All in all, it is an amazing piece of software
engineering that holds its own against programs costing hundreds of
Classroom uses would be almost limitless. Students with computers and internet
access at home could work on projects at school and at home.
Even those with limited access to
technology at home could record sounds or interviews on cassette recorders or
inexpensive MP3 devices, bring those back to school and mix and edit those
recordings on Audacity to produce quality NPR-like news pieces.
Collaboration with classes in other
cities or countries would open all sorts of creative doors. Many classrooms use
Audacity to create podcasts, and Audacity audio mixes could be imported to
other Web 2.0 projects: blogs, videos, presentations and the like.
We’ve certainly come a long way from the days of my reel-to-reel tape deck.